Our Dedicated Servers

Grow your website faster with our Dedicated Servers.
Choose a plan that suits your requirements.


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Security Optimizations & 500 Gbps+ DDoS Protection

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

server backup

Free Data Backup

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

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Web Hosting Choices Suits

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

Include all features

Wordwide infrastructure,innovative cloud computing and specialist expertise

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DDOS protection

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

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The RPN is a private network functionality, dedicated and physically separated from your Internet network interface.

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VMWare Ready®

Our Dedibox® servers are certified VMWare Ready®.

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KVM over IP

Almost all our Dedibox® come with a hardware KVM over IP and remote virtual media as standard.

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The majority of Dedibox servers support RAID, providing reliability and performance.

24*7 Support

Assistance 24/7

Our technical assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by ticket and telephone, in French, English and German.


Certified Datacenter

Never make any compromises about the durability of your infrastructure.


Premium network

We operate a simple, ultra fast and reliable network. Our AS12876 network has large capacities with numerous transits and exchange points.

Common Features of All Our Services

Ekonomikhost provides hosting services with maximum service continuity using DELL, EMC, HP branded servers, storage, and network devices located in the Turkey Location Data Center.

Next Generation Server Systems

The latest technology servers and hardware

  • Xeon Processors
  • DDR RAM Technologies
  • 24x7x365 Technical Support
  • Part Replacement Guarantee
  • Optional SYN, DDos, Dos Protection
  • Remote-Reboot + KVM OverIP
  • Optional Backup Solutions
  • Free Operating System Installation
  • 1 Gbps/sec Access Speed
  • Secure Server Rooms
  • Turkey Location Data Center
  • Server Management Support
  • Continuous and Redundant Power
  • TIER II standards
  • UPS Devices, Generators
  • Maximum Redundancy with Storage Devices
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Power Supply

Works with redundant power sources for uninterrupted access.

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Network and Security

Network Traffic Monitoring System, Daily Traffic Reports

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Cooling Systems

N+1 structured Liebert Hiross precision controlled climate systems

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No technical knowledge? No problem. With the free content management installation included in our hosting packages, you can instantly install and use over 300 applications like WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, and more.

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Keep Your Websites Secure


An SSL certificate creates a secure tunnel through which information including usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and more can securely pass.

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Friendly and Experienced Support

Our experienced support experts are ready to help from the very beginning. With free site migrations, friendly service approach, and continuous support, you'll have all the assistance you need whenever you need it.

Call Us

+90 (232) 9999688

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Support Ticket
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Live Chat
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Premium Everything - Especially Support

An in-house, expert team is available round-the-clock to help resolve your queries to get you started and grow your presence online. We are there when you get stuck-anytime, day or night. We help you create a website fast and easy by resolving all web hosting queries!

Need Help? We are here right now

Why choose us?

Wordwide infrastructure,innovative cloud computing and specialist expertise

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Our dedicated servers are powered by high quality, enterprise grade hardware from leading players like Dell, HP and Supermicro. Built for speed and unparalleled performance.

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Our servers are built to deliver superior speed and ensure that even the most demanding web server applications run smoothly without any issues.

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Our team is consists of IT professionals in software and hardware related problems and this keeps our support quality in worlds first class.



We are proud to offer one of the highest level of network uptime guarantee (99.95%). Your website would be always up and running.

Frequently Asked Questions

A dedicated server is a type of server where all software resources and physical hardware are dedicated to a single client. You can install any operating system you want and take quick actions with a management panel.
Dedicated Server Leasing is a service where a high-performance physical server is leased to a client with all resources allocated on a monthly or yearly basis. Since all resources are allocated to you, you can install any operating system and host any application quickly.
Servers can incur high costs for companies both in terms of hardware and software. Costs such as configuring server technical requirements, managing operational processes, and maintaining personnel encourage companies to lease physical servers. Don't miss the purchasing experience you will gain with Ekonomikhost!
All of our physical servers are hosted in data centers with the best infrastructure in Turkey, Germany, France, and England, which have Tier 3 data center certification. Due to being located in the center of the Fiber internet network, your server will have the fastest internet access.
All our servers have dedicated 100mbit, 1gbps, 10gbps full duplex ports, allowing uninterrupted internet access at this speed.
Ekonomikhost keeps spare parts for all servers it leases. If there is any problem, the faulty part of your server is replaced with a new one as quickly as possible. If a technical problem cannot be solved by replacing the part, equivalent or superior hardware is promptly provided to our customers.
Our expert server support team assists you via email on basic server management issues. If you want comprehensive support for server management, you can check out our server support packages.
Leased server service provides the server installed and made available to the customer. Since the customer manages the server, we do not perform tasks such as backup. To back up your data, you can rent backup space from our special backup unit upon your request.
Your products will be activated instantly by the automation system (for domain purchases) for purchases made with a credit card. For purchases made via bank transfer, your products will be activated after payment confirmation. Adding the information provided to you during the ordering process to your payment explanation is crucial for faster payment confirmation.

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